Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Days

So we all bundled up and played in the snow this week.  Dean loved it!  Last year he was not impressed with it but this year he loved  the  'noballs' and sledding!  We went sledding with our neighbor Zach aka 'Yak' to Dean.  We actually just went to the drainage easment in our backyard.  I know, pretty awsome huh?:)  Anyway it was a big enough hill for us to have fun on. 
 p.s.  Don't all of you Arizona people feel like you're missing out on such fun... haha:)

He was throwing snowballs at Tony.

This was earlier that day, Tony went out to shovel the back steps off for the dogs and Dean saw me get the camera out smf posed for a pic with daddy.

He just liked to sit in the snow and watch Zach throw snowballs at Tony.
It looks like they are going so fast down the hill.

We got a family pass to the Cincinnati Children's Museum with Dean's birthday money and we've gone several times already and he loves it there.  There is a huge netted area that they play with thousands of balls, making them go into tubes and throwing them into buckets and shooting them out of pipes.  It's fun.

This part is the water area.  He is usually here for a while.   I have learned to pack a second whole outfit for him to change into after this area.  There are many other areas for him to play in and also other museums to walk through.  It's really a cool place to go, especially when the weather is so cold.

Well I hope you all stay warm and safe.

1 comment:

Bonnie Newell said...

Dean is just too cute throwing snowballs. It looks like so much fun!