Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thomas the Train

A day out with Thomas.   Dean just kept saying  "choo choo".  We went with some friends of ours and their daughter.  We rode on Thomas for a 25 minute train ride and then they had entertainment like live music, a mini corn maze and a huge Lego Thomas the Train along with other trains to watch and play with.  Dean isn't a huge fan of Thomas per say but the trains he loves.  I think I am thankful because their merchandise is crazy expensive.  Although we did buy him the balloon.

Pete and Olivia
We were all sweating to death.  See Dean's rosy cheeks.  We had his Ohio State jersey on him but had to take it off.

The big Lego train.  It was pretty neat.

The big caboose that sits stationary, it might have been his favorite. 

1 comment:

sharipeteandolivia said...

Dean looks so cute! I wish I could have been there! Next time we plan a train ride lets do it when the weather is a little cooler! Dean and Olivia looked miserable!