Thursday, July 31, 2008

Presidential Candidate?!

Ok, so I try not to share too much about my stand on government issues but this candidate sounds like a winner to me!

Hey, you have your opinion and I have mine:)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Trip to the Fair

We went to the Butler County Fair on Saturday evening with some friends of ours, Pete, Shari and Olivia. We had a great time and so did the kids. First it was the merry-go-round and boy let me tell you Dean was a fan of that, I'm talkin' a full fledged tantrum when we couldn't spend all night on there. So then we thought to distract him and get on the pony ride, it worked. And then of course since it was Shari's birthday I had to go on the Pharaoh ship with her. It went super high and let me tell you that we are really getting too old for these things.

Congratulations to the Hulshult Family. The new addition has arrived!! Hello little Andrew!

Friday, July 18, 2008

He's a Natural

Dean and I visited Tony at the Firehouse yesterday and it was an old station that still has the pole so Dean had to try it out. He loves going to visit Daddy at the firehouse... wee-ohh wee-ohh, is what he says when I tell him we are going to see Daddy. He can't get enough of the firetrucks. He loves to sit in the driver seat and open up all the compartments on the side and check out the hose on the top.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Zoo Babies

Tony, Dean and I met with our friends, Lacy, Brandon and Conner at the zoo last week. We all had a lot of fun and got to hang out a little since they live in Kentucky and we both have small children it becomes more difficult to get together. Here are a couple pics from there. Dean and I got to feed the giraffes too!

Hello, Conner

Feeding the giraffes.

Uncle Rigo and Aunt Amanda got to be with us on July 4th... and thats always fun!