Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well it's been a while so I have lots of updates to share.  First off we had Mother's Day so it was a nice day spent with the family.

Great Grandpa is feeding Dean some whipped cream... as you can see Dean is a big fan:)

Just one of the guys hanging out on the couch.

Uncle Rigo sharing a leaf with Deano.

Ok so the other day Dean was standing on a chair at the kitchen counter as I was making dinner. And as usual he always needs to know what is going on, and he wanted to see the fresh tomato that I had in my hand so I handed it to him and got busy doing something else and turned back around, this is what happened...

Now on to this weekend. Mom and Natalie came down Thursday for the big Trenton Yard Sales on Friday and Saturday so Dean got to spend some quality time with the Gmas. Unfortunately Dean developed a fever Friday evening and it had spiked to 104.8 degrees so we saw the Dr. right away and he explained to us that it was a virus called Adenoid Virus. It causes a very high fever, a rash all over the body and diarrhea. Well the good news is that it was just a virus and the bad news was we didn't have any medicine to give him and we just had to 'ride it out'. He was just pitiful, it was so sad to see him with a bright red rash all over but he was a trooper though. Rigo and Amanda came over Saturday and played with Dean and watched movies to help distract him from feeling so bad. Thankfully he is now over it and back to normal again:) I know I'm happy:)

Ahhh... Happy again:)


Ginny said...

Poor thing. The pictures of him sleeping almost made me cry. I'll chalk it up to prego hormones. Glad he's feeling better!

Bonnie Newell said...

So thankful that the is feeling better. Aunt Bonnie