Monday, March 10, 2008

Dancing Machine

We had spaghetti for dinner tonight and decided to give Dean the chance to feed himself dinner. So we gave him spaghetti and a fork and let him go for it. I did take his nice shirt off first though. I swore I would never let my child do this, but... never say never. I couldn't resist I guess.  He had fun, as you can tell.

Well, Dean made up some sort of dance that he has become pretty good at these past few days.  I thought you might like to see it.  Nevermind the nakedness, it was bedtime.. and just after the spaghetti.

1 comment:

Newells said...

We are so excited for more pictures and videos!!! He's is adorable all bundled up and looks so grown up. Spaghetti is a favorite of Bella's although she can usually only eat one noodle at a time, it takes a while for dinner to end!!