Sunday, November 4, 2007


Here's our scary lion! He had so much fun at the church's Harvest Fest. He loves that balloon. He was so interested in it that he would not let it out of his site. We had to tie it to his tail in case he let go.

We went to West Jeff on Monday and Tuesday to get some stuff done at Mom Barb's (Grandma Barb) and Mom Natalie's (Nanny). We spent the night with Nanny and Pappy and Dean spent the whole day hanging with Nanny and napping with Pappy. Uncle Dray taught Dean how to ride his toy trucks, it was so funny! We had a good couple days and when we got back we spotted a new tooth. That makes 5 teeth now! That explains all the drool.


Bonnie Newell said...

What a cutie! Can't wait for everyone to be together for Thanksgiving. Two babies walking, that should be an interesting day! Love you all.

Wren said...

Dean looks absolutely adorable in his lion outfit. Thanks for letting us know about your blog. Dennis and I will check in from time to time. Hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!