Monday, December 22, 2008

Awww, don't tell me you're sick of being sick of Thomas the Train:)

Ok Ok so its been a while, maybe a very long while.  I apologize, we got extremely busy, as we all do, and I just didn't have the energy to post.  I know, believe it or not I may not be the super mom you all thought I was... ha!  So here  I am at almost 1:30 am thinking to myself  'hmm... maybe I should update the blog'.  So if any of this sounds a little off or odd to you nevermind it.  I will try to be better, maybe I'll even make it a New Years resolution.  No I better not, I don't think anyone has good luck with those.  
   Ok so here it is, Dean is doing great.  He is growing big and tall just like he is supposed to.  He has been getting colds lately but I guess its the season for those.  He has caught on quick to who Santa is (basically anyone with a red hat on), he likes the O-H...I-O chant and then ends with "Go Butt-eyes!"  I love it!  Its so funny!  He is talking much more and we have our own language as most parents have with thier toddlers I suppose.  He also has to hold our hands during the mealtime prayers and at bedtime he folds his hands and bows his head but his eyes are looking upward.  It is so precious.  
     As some of you may know, Tony and I have felt led to be foster parents.  We have gone through training and are in the homestudy part of the process right now.  We could really use your prayers to help guide us and support us.  This is something new for us and our whole families.  We are really excited and believe God has a great plan for our family.
  Now, on to the pictures...

When we went home for Thanksgiving, Dean found Drayton's ear protection.  

Hanging with Pappy, watchin' some football.
I love Uncle Ty
Snuggle time in the chaise lounge.
Unfortunatly, this is the only Santa Dean has seen this year.  I know its pathetic but we are going ot try to go with in the next day or so.  Its the Chick-fil-a cow.
Tony and I took Dean to an inflatable indoor place called Bananas.  It was a blast!  There were about 8 or 9 huge inflatables that he could we could just run and jump and have fun on.  I think we all had a great time.
He was posing really cute at dinner onw night last week and I caught a couple poses.
Love it!
Dean is learning how to play the piano with cousin Bella.
Using Uncle Rick as a personal recliner as he watches Polar Express for the 5th time in a row... for real.
Great Grandpa and Maryann with the little ones.